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First Images from James Webb Telescope Reveal that Bidenflation is Infinite and Ever Expanding


The James Webb space telescope, launched on December 25, 2021 is giving our universe its moment in the spotlight. Presented by White House resident Joseph R Biden the ten-billion dollar (with a B) infrared telescope has provided us with an unprecedented view into our universe. When asked if the telescope was worth the investment, a NASA spokesman dismissed the question as, “depressing”.

However, millions of excited viewers were dismayed to find that, upon release, the images confirmed our worst fears. Bidenflation is infinite and ever expanding. For the first time we can see, in real time, the economic impact of Biden’s every misstep. We know know that our greatest barrier to interstellar travel is no longer technological, the cost of real estate.

Although economists are fearful of the implications that these findings suggest, among them that E.T may soon be unable to afford the bill to phone home, Astoromers are still excited about the ability to look back through space and time with this powerful new tool. “If we are lucky” noted Paula Neil Milne Johnstone of Nasa, “We may be able to look back so far in space and time that we will be able to observe Joe Biden as a middle aged man.



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