Beloved savior of Canada Justin Trudeau alarmed Canada and the rest of the woke world on Sunday when at a ribbon cutting ceremony for a new LGBTQWERTYUIOP+-GR00M=2SL420+69QQIAPYD4$INBYSIU7IOC center in Ottowa, he attempted to state the full 2022 edition of the LBGT...Acronym. Unfortunately for the Woke Prime Minister the addition of several new categories of marginalized groups, that were made up earlier that day, has made that a Herculean task that should only be attempted after many years of practice.
"I am proud to open this grooming I mean, welcoming center for all members of marginalized communities", began the Prime Minister warming up his lungs, "This center will be a haven from the outside world for all members of the..." And then he began the acronym. Sadly his lungs were unable to keep up with his massive heart and by the time he had reacted the second plus sign he was already out of air. Visibly turning blue Trudeau soldiered on and was almost two thirds through, when his and he lost consciousness. EMS rushed Trudeau to the nearest hospital where he is expected to make a nearly full recovery. When asked why he had attempted such a feat, he responded that he had not wanted to further marginalize those at the end of the list by relegating them as second breath citizens.