In response to democrat outrage at the legal difficulties Shannon Brandt has faced after dispatching a Republican extremist. North Dakota has taken steps to ensure that the process is far easier for democrats who decide to undertake the task of conservative population control.
Following Brandts' release on 50K bail, the North Dakota Department of Game and Fish has decided to leap into action and offer a hunting license priced at 50K each, to anyone who wishes to bag themselves a fascist this season. The state stipulates that in-order to legally hunt a licensee must have a minimum blood alcohol level of .08 and must demonstrate their ability to swerve vehicles rapidly to avoid missing any leaner and more agile conservatives.
When asked about the prohibitive nature of the price tag, North Dakota assured concerned democrats that the fees would be forgiven for any hunter who manages to accumulate a Call of Duty style kill streak. Though the license is non-specific as to weapon of choice, the state of North Dakota recommends the heaviest truck near at hand.
[Not Satire] - We think it is absolutely horrific that Brandt was offered bail at any cost, especially considering his statements regarding 'extremism'. The left is absolutely vile for not covering this and not demanding justice as they do for evil criminals such as George Floyd who instead they celebrate.