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Obamas Fiercely Defend Martha's Vineyard Home From Newly Arrived Immigrants


The Obama's are certainly unhappy with Florida governor Ron DeSantis who recently shipped two planes filled with illegal immigrants to the Obama's backyard in Martha's Vineyard. Barack has angrily stated that what he meant to say is that immigration is fine as long as the immigrants make trouble for the Republicans and not in his own backyard.

"This is another example of the callous, and unfeeling bigotry, of the Republican party" exclaimed Obama while kicking an immigrant off of his veranda, "This attack, constitutes the great act of aviation based terrorism in US History, and we will take strong action to- Hey get of of that, that's worth more than your house!" The former president proceeded to shove an immigrant off of a lawn chair and wave a solid gold broom like a sword at any immigrant who came close.

The Obamas, are currently engaged in fierce battle, mowing down wave after wave of immigrants. Michelle has been forced to send her handmaidens into battle and regrets their loss to one particularly feisty mariachi. While they remain vigilant they have gradually been forced back into their living room, then their sitting room, then the drawing room and are expected to cede the first kitchen any day now and may flee to their backup mansion in DC.

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