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Upon Hearing of the Queen's Death, AOC Sends Letter of Condolences to Family of JK Rowling


AOC, an avid Harry Potter fan and Self Described Gryfffindor, was distraught Thursday Morning upon hearing news of the Queen of England's passing. Believing that The Queen of England and Author of her favorite 'big girl books' the Harry Potter series were one and the same AOC wasted no time in ensuring that her regrets were extended to the Rowing Family at Hogwarts Palace.

AOC, literally shaking, ordered her team to hand write a letter with a quill and parchment paper while her personal assistant drove to the nearest pet shop to find the most expensive owl that the government would reimburse for. When both tasks were completed AOC's assistant was tasked with tying the letter to the owl's leg, pointing him towards England, and tossing him off the balcony.

Nearby observers beleive that they saw some sort of squawking chicken corkscrewing down to the street to the delight of a neighborhood cat. AOC however is confident that the letter will arrive in good time and that the royal family will finally admit her to hogwarts after reading her message.

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